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Schreiner opposes proposed fracked gas pipeline through Hamilton

February 3, 2020


“I am disappointed the province would burn more fossil fuels to generate electricity, while dismantling wind turbines, cancelling energy conservation programs, and ignoring Quebec’s offer of low-cost water power,” says Schreiner.

Schreiner outlines why the application should be denied:

1. The project would contribute to a 400% increase in emissions from natural gas plants at a time when we should be reducing emissions due to the climate emergency.

2. The project makes Ontario a corridor for fracked gas while other jurisdictions enact climate policies to prevent the expansion of fracking infrastructure.

3. The project will raise electricity prices for ratepayers when the company and the province could be bringing down costs through energy efficiency and conservation.

4. The project would do damage to some of Hamilton’s most pristine natural areas, namely the Spencer Creek, Bronte Creek, and Beverly Swamp.

Read the Letter
