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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner backs greener transit in Guelph

January 16, 2020


“I want to thank all levels of government for making a smart and sustainable investment in Guelph’s clean energy future.

Tackling the climate crisis requires an unprecedented transformation of our infrastructure, and by electrifying our bus fleet, Guelph is putting words into action.

Making the move to electrified public transit must be a shared priority because transportation is both Guelph and Ontario’s largest source of emissions.

I am proud of Guelph for being a leader in showing that we can get people moving without burning fossil fuels.

And I’m proud of the productive working relationship I have with Mayor Guthrie and MP Longfield, who pushed this across the finish line.

I urge the Ford government to make more funding available to all municipalities for green transit initiatives like this.”
