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Cecilia Stuart

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Ten New Year's Resolutions for the Premier

December 23, 2019


10 things we are urging the Ford government to do in 2020:

1. Drop the $30 million lawsuit against pollution pricing and release a real climate plan to become carbon neutral by 2050.

2. Reverse the education cuts and keep average class sizes steady at 22 students.

3. Ban all single-use plastics, starting with straws, disposable coffee cups and plastic bags in 2020.

4. Crack down on big investors who are parking their cash in property and driving the affordable housing crisis.

5. Pass Mike Schreiner’s bill, the Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, to protect Guelph’s drinking water source.

6. Lift the cap on overdose prevention sites so every city can provide life-saving services to combat the addiction crisis.

7. Fast-track funding for autism therapy so that families get immediate relief while the government fixes its broken plan.

8. Create an electric vehicle strategy to install chargers across Ontario and attract jobs in EV manufacturing.

9. Raise the corporate tax rate by 1% to pay for healthcare, education, and public services we all depend on.

10. Expand the number of legal cannabis shops to make a real dent in the illegal, underground market.
