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Cecilia Stuart

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Teachers standing up for students’ future

December 4, 2019


“The government must reverse course on policies that threaten the quality of education by backtracking on raising class sizes and imposing mandatory e-learning.

This one-day strike is difficult for parents, who must find alternate arrangements for their kids, and for educators, who would rather be teaching than picketing.

But teachers are the last line of defence against reckless cuts, and I respect their right to job action in order to defend Ontario’s world-class education system.

This strike action is the result of the government’s plan to pull thousands of teachers out of schools, plain and simple.

Ford’s cuts are already draining resources out of the classroom and teachers will not sign off on a plan to make it even worse with unreasonable class size increases.

While today’s strike is difficult for all, I want to thank teachers for standing up for our students’ future.”
