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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner responds to report from Special Advisor on Flooding

November 28, 2019


“This report shows why the Ford government must end its systematic reversal of climate action and its continued attack on responsible environmental planning.

Extreme flooding induced by the climate crisis is a direct and rising threat to our communities.

Yet the government’s response has been to cut the very programs that protect us from floods, while the Energy Minister dabbles in climate denial.

You cannot accept a scientific report on flood risk at the same time as you are dismantling environmental protections.

If the government takes this report seriously, it must reverse cuts to flood mitigation and tree planting, two of the most fiscally responsible measures to mitigate climate impacts in the first place.

I am also calling on the government to reverse its reckless changes to land-use planning that open the door to more sprawl and loss of valuable greenspace.

These natural areas are essential for absorbing excess stormwater and reducing the risk of flooding to our communities.”
