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Ford government seeks advice from climate denial website
November 27, 2019

“I am shocked and disappointed that the Minister in charge of our energy system freely admitted that a climate denial website is one of his ‘favourite periodicals.’
When defending the $231 million wasted to tear down wind turbines, the Minister of Energy quoted Climate Change Dispatch, a website that denies human-caused climate change.
It is very disturbing that the person at the helm of our energy system would look for advice from a website that disputes the urgent need to reduce emissions.
Ironically, this transpires on the same day a fresh UN report warns we are on track for 3.2C of warming unless we drastically cut our emissions by 7.6% annually over the next decade.
It is deeply troubling that ministers in the Ford government are relying on climate skeptics, which are often linked to the oil and gas lobby, to justify the continued attack on clean energy and complete inaction on climate change.”