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Cecilia Stuart

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FAO Report: Ontario’s finances are out of whack

October 17, 2019


Ontario needs an honest conversation about the province’s finances.

Ford is inflating deficit numbers to justify his cuts to essential public services.

Meanwhile, he turns a blind eye to one of the biggest reasons Ontario’s finances are out of whack: the UnFair Hydro Plan, a costly Liberal band-aid that the Conservatives kept on the books.

After railing against it in opposition, the Ford government quietly adopted it as its own at an annual cost of $4.2 billion.

Previous FAO reports have pegged the total cost of the UnFair Hydro Plan at up to $93 billion over the next three decades.

Instead of a blanket subsidy scheme that disproportionately benefits the wealthy, we need targeted support to help the most vulnerable keep the lights on.

Students, families with autism, patients, and the most vulnerable in our communities are paying the price for the Premier’s cuts.

Ford should reverse his tax cuts for the wealthy, means-test electricity subsidies and reverse his cuts to education, health care, social services and environmental programs.
