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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner asks for accountability after Doug Ford abandons TTC takeover for a deal on Ontario Line

October 16, 2019


People simply want good transit projects built based on the evidence, giving them relief from painful journeys and expensive gridlock.

It’s great that the city and province are no longer at loggerheads, but the Premier has some explaining to do.

For over a year, he railed against Toronto, telling Ontarians that wrestling control of the TTC was the only way to get shovels in the ground.

Now it looks like those threats were simply a ploy to pressure the city into endorsing Ford’s pet transit line.

The Premier owes us an explanation of the deal-making that happened behind closed doors.

We need decisions based on evidence, not quid pro quos.

Now that the City has backed the Premier’s lines on the map, we have a responsibility to hold him accountable on his pledge that it will be built more affordably and quickly.
