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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner calls on Ford to stop floating social assistance cuts

October 3, 2019


“The natural impulse of this government is to take from those who have the least.

That they were even considering withdrawing funds that feed 32,000 children who live in poverty in this province is very troubling. 

So while I am relieved the Transition Child Benefit remains in place, I will not give praise for reversing decisions that hurt the most vulnerable. 

1.5 million people live in poverty in Ontario and they are in constant fear that the meagre programs that help them get by will be cut by the Ford government.  

Experts and people with lived experience all agree that social assistance rates are far too low at $733 per month. 

So if the Minister is conducting a review, it should be focused on how to help them, not harm them. 

I am also calling on the government to call off plans to restrict the definition of disability, a move that would have devastating consequences for people on ODSP who are already struggling to meet their basic needs. 

I am asking the government to stop the carousel of real and prospective cuts that will make life worse for Ontario’s most vulnerable.”
