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Cecilia Stuart

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Cutting 10,000 teachers will fail Ontario’s children

September 26, 2019

Guelph, ON – Green Party of Ontario Leader, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to the FAO’s report “Expenditure Estimates 2019-20 : Ministry of Education:

“Cutting 10,000 teachers from our education system is a mistake that fails our children.

The education system is under stress right now. Ford’s cuts will push public education over the edge.

Many students can’t access the courses they need now. Students with special needs aren’t getting the support they need.

Taking 10,000 teachers out of the classroom will only make these challenges worse. It seems like the government is trying to sabotage public education.

Our children deserve better.

Premier Ford should take the new math test for teachers because his math on class sizes does not compute.

First Doug Ford created a fake debt crisis. Then he said we’ll have to cut, cut, cut. Our children will pay the price for Ford’s political games.

Although the Premier campaigned as if he would simply trim the fat, his cuts are digging into the bone. This is a direct threat to the quality of education in Ontario.”
