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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner responds to potential job actions in education

September 24, 2019

Guelph, ON – Green Party of Ontario Leader, Mike Schreiner, released the following statement in response to CUPE’s announcement that they would be considering job action:

“I support teachers and education support staff, who are standing up for kids and for high quality education.

We know that cuts hurt kids. And I respect the right of teachers and education support staff to collective bargaining and labour action in order to defend quality education.

We have already seen how Premier Ford’s education cuts are having a negative effect on students.

I’ve talked to students who can’t get into classes they need. I’ve met with teachers and students who are experiencing elevated levels of violence in the classroom and a lack of support services for children with special needs.

Although the Premier campaigned as if he would simply trim the fat, his cuts are digging into the bone, which is a direct threat to the quality of education in Ontario.

Changing the tone does not change the policy of increased class sizes and cuts to education. Premier Ford and Minister Lecce need a new approach that puts our kids first.”
