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Cecilia Stuart

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Bill 108 a bad deal for municipalities

May 24, 2019

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement after Ontario's big city mayors issued another letter to the Premier:

“Ontario’s big city mayors are warning the Premier about the raw deal they’re getting in Bill 108.

The legislation transfers power from municipalities to deep-pocketed developers who do not focus on the public good such as housing affordability or responsible growth.

The mayors of LUMCO echo concerns I raised in the legislature about the return of OMB rules that once allowed local planning decisions to be overturned by an unelected body.

I am equally concerned that Bill 108 reduces developer fees that help pay for parkland and community facilities in our neighbourhoods.

This will leave municipalities cash-strapped and unable to ensure responsible growth in the places they were elected to lead. Growth should pay for growth and not be put on the backs of municipal property taxes.

The housing development industry should be a partner in building our communities.

But it should not be given the keys to the city or the province.”

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