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Cecilia Stuart

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Premier should listen to former health ministers

May 23, 2019

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement regarding the letter from 10 former health ministers:

“The Premier is willing to jeopardize public health tomorrow if it means saving a little money today.

His cuts to public health are short-sighted and will cost us more in the long run.

Clearly, it’s time for the Premier to listen to reason when ten former health ministers representing three parties urge him to change course.

The Premier’s reckless drive for immediate gratification, putting ideology and slogans before evidence, is creating the conditions for deadly public health emergencies.

His retroactive cuts are short-sighted and being condemned on all sides.

The Premier must put aside his ego and heed the warnings of former health ministers who know first-hand how public health prevents crises like SARS and Walkerton.

Municipalities have offered to find efficiencies in a responsible manner that doesn’t jeopardize public health.

I urge the Premier to work with them rather than against them.”
