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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford’s child care cuts send Toronto scrambling

May 3, 2019

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to budget cuts jeopardizing over 6,000 child care spaces in Toronto:

“For 6,000 families in Toronto, these cuts undo any of the benefits touted by Ford with his child care tax credit. This will only add to chronic childcare affordability problems in Toronto.

The Premier’s tunnel vision for immediate savings and instant gratification continues to destabilize public services and the well-being of families.

Municipalities are being sent scrambling without fair notice of these immediate cuts, much less the opportunity to be consulted on them.

Ontario’s 40 big city mayors have asked the Premier to slow down, but instead of listening to their concerns, he just tells them to take their medicine.

In pursuit of savings-at-all-costs, Doug Ford has forgotten his responsibility to play nice with other levels of government.”
