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Cecilia Stuart

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Public pressure forces the Ford government to backtrack on threats to the Greenbelt and water

January 23, 2019

QUEEN’S PARK — Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Hon. Minister Steve Clark’s tweet that Schedule 10 will be removed from Bill 66:

“Thank you to the people of Ontario for standing up for the places we love.

Thank you to the many municipal councils who passed resolutions to protect the Greenbelt.

I will continue to work hard at Queen’s Park to protect the people and places we love in Ontario. And I will make sure Minister Clark follows through on his tweet.

Pressuring the government to backtrack on Schedule 10 of Bill 66 is a victory for citizen engagement.

People were clear during the election. And they have been clear since Bill 66 was introduced: the people of Ontario want to protect the Greenbelt and clean water.

I urge the government to listen to the people and strengthen protections for farmland, water and green space. I’m ready to work across party lines to make that happen.

Thank you to everyone who signed a petition, wrote a letter, or phoned their MPP. You made a difference in standing up for the people and places we love in Ontario.”
