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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford government blocks emergency climate debate

November 1, 2018

TORONTO — Yesterday, the PC government took its anti-climate agenda to a new level, blocking Green Party of Ontario Leader, Mike Schreiner's, motion for an emergency debate to discuss climate action.

Schreiner rose in the House, following the passing of the climate cancellation bill, to seek unanimous consent from all parties to hold a debate on the urgency of the climate crisis, in light of the IPCC report and the Conservatives’ dismantling of every piece of climate legislation.

The PC government immediately blocked the motion.

“It’s reckless and does a disservice to Ontarians to have no climate plan. I’m deeply disappointed that in the span of a few minutes we saw PC MPPs pat themselves on the back for ending climate action, and then block a request to debate how Ontario should respond to the greatest crisis facing humanity,” said Schreiner.

Similar emergency debates have taken place in Ottawa and British Columbia, where elected politicians have recognized the need to step up efforts to drastically reduce pollution in line with the Paris targets.  

But in Ontario, it’s ideology over evidence for the ruling party.

“It’s wrong for this government to play wedge politics with the climate crisis. Our children and grandchildren deserve better,” said Schreiner.

“I’m calling on the Premier to stop misleading people about pollution pricing, especially when the PCs have no climate plan and won’t even allow a debate on climate,” added Schreiner.

“I won’t give up. We’re in a race against time. I’ll work with other parties, and I’ll continue representing the millions of Ontarians who want Ontario to be on the right side of history.”
