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Cecilia Stuart

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PCs walking away from clean energy at the worst possible time

September 21, 2018

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner, GPO leader and Guelph MPP made the following statement regarding the Green Energy Repeal Act:

“This legislation will do nothing to lower electricity prices, but it will have a chilling effect on job creation and investors in the clean economy. The government is doubling down on its message that Conservatives want no part of the jobs and investment in the $26 trillion global clean economy.

The PCs are laying the groundwork to waste money on high-cost sources of energy rather than cleaner, cheaper options. The Liberals bought renewable energy when the price was high, and the Conservatives are getting out of renewables when the price is low.

Buying high and selling low is bad for our economy, Ontario’s finances and people’s energy bills. It makes no sense. I don’t know any investor who would recommend this strategy.

Independent analyses published by the World Economic Forum show that the average cost of wind in North America is $45/MWh compared to $60 for natural gas and $148 for nuclear.

But this government would rather ignore the facts. They are putting ideology over evidence. It’s an injustice to future generations, who deserve to have clean air, a stable climate and an affordable energy system.

I am calling on the government to conduct an independent cost analysis of all sources of electricity in Ontario. The people of Ontario deserve an honest analysis so we can all make an informed decision on the most affordable sources of clean power.”
