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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner to Premier: What are the costs of your manufactured crisis?

September 15, 2018

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner issued the following statement about the recalling of the Legislature for a rare weekend sitting:

“I’m calling on the Premier to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on petty political fights that he has created for the province.

How much is it costing taxpayers to pay for MPPs to travel back to Queen’s Park after heading home Thursday night? How much is the government spending for staff and security over the weekend? How many dollars are being wasted on lawyers to fight court battles against the City of Toronto and the federal government?

People did not elect this Premier to waste their money and time on a petty political battle with Toronto. They did not elect him to trample on their Charter rights because he personally doesn’t like downtown Toronto city councillors.

The Premier needs to get his priorities right and put the people of Ontario before his personal vendetta. It is ridiculous that we have been plunged into a costly crisis manufactured by the Premier himself.

Instead, we should be debating solutions to hallway medicine, the mental health and addictions crisis, housing affordability, and reversing last month’s huge job losses.”

