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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner files amendment to delay Ford’s trampling of people's Charter rights

September 14, 2018

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner has filed notice of a reasoned amendment on Bill 31, the act to use the notwithstanding clause to reduce the size of Toronto City Council. Schreiner issued the following statement:

“I will fight to protect people’s Charter rights. My office is being flooded with emails, calls and social media posts from constituents angry with the Premier for trampling on people’s Charter rights to pursue a petty political fight with Toronto.

Immediately after Bill 31 was introduced on Wednesday, I gave notice that I would file a reasoned amendment to delay the government from expediting the quick passage of this undemocratic and dangerous piece of legislation. I filed the reasoned amendment yesterday and will work hard to prevent the Premier from suspending people’s Charter rights to play politics with the municipal election in Toronto.

These are extraordinary times. And they require an extraordinary response.

The Premier of Ontario has signaled that he is willing to trample on democracy and abuse a last resort tool in the Canadian Constitution in order to influence the outcome of elections in Toronto. This will set a dangerous precedent for Ontario and for Canada–a reckless and irresponsible leader can suspend the rights of Canadians in order to pursue a personal political agenda.

I believe that all opposition parties must stand united with Ontarians to defend our Charter rights. No one is above the law. And I will do all that I can to defend democracy and the rule of law in this province by delaying and fighting against the passage of Bill 31.

I ask my fellow MPPs on the PC side of the House to join us in defending people’s Charter rights. Now is the time to put your constituents’ rights before your leaders personal political agenda.”
