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Schreiner asks Minister Phillips to clarify report of climate change censorship

August 24, 2018

TORONTO — Green Party Leader, Mike Schreiner, sent the following letter on August 24:

The Honourable Rod Phillips
Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ferguson Block 11th Flr
77 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON
M7A 2T5

Dear Minister,

Yesterday, reports emerged that government staff were directed to refrain from using the term ‘climate change’ on social media. The information was allegedly shared by an Ontario Parks employee who wishes to remain anonymous, but who provided a photo of the directive being sent by email.

Minister Phillips, these allegations are serious. I was shocked to read them. If true, these actions are extreme and unjustified. Government censorship of science is unacceptable in a democracy.

Ontarians are owed a clarifying statement from you or the Premier about these reports. The people of this province need to hear from their elected leaders that there is not a moratorium on talking about climate change or other scientifically accepted facts in Ontario Parks or any other government ministry or department.

Your government has maintained that it believes that climate change is real and human caused. I am asking you to please clarify what has transpired and to state unequivocally that all public servants and political staff within your ministry and all government ministries and departments are permitted to speak about climate change.


Mike Schreiner
Green Party of Ontario
