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Cecilia Stuart

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Happy Ukrainian Independence Day

August 23, 2018

TORONTO — Statement from Mike Schreiner on the 27th anniversary of Ukrainian Independence:

From east to west, north to south, Ukrainian culture and values are embedded in Canadian society – in language, in community, in food, in art, in institutions, in story and in tradition. We would not be the peaceful and multicultural place that we are without the millions of Ukrainians who have come to Canada.

In recent years, the strife and instability in Ukraine have reminded us that independence and freedom should not be taken for granted. Throughout it all, however, the people of Ukraine have proven their resilience and determination to remain as one, diverse yet united nation. This determination is an inspiration for Canada and for the world, as we work to protect human rights and hold strong to what is right and what is good.

On behalf of the Green Party of Ontario, I send best wishes to all Ukrainians celebrating and reflecting on independence and I join you in working for a peaceful and prosperous future.
