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Cecilia Stuart

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Statement on Emancipation Month in Canada

August 1, 2018

TORONTO — Green Party of Ontario Leader, Mike Schreiner, participated in flag raising at Queen's Park and issued the following statement in recognition of the abolishment of slavery in Ontario:

“It was only 184 years ago that the British Commonwealth outlawed slavery, and in Upper Canada (modern day Ontario), slavery was officially abolished on August 1, 1834.

As Canadians, we cannot forget that slavery existed here. And the racialized legacy of slavery exists in Canada and in Ontario in our criminal justice, police, employment and education systems, as well as many other institutions. As we celebrate the freedom, dignity, equality, and justice that go along with Emancipation Day, I want to express how committed all Ontario Greens are to combatting the system racism that continues to persist today.

As the MPP for Guelph, I would also like to recognize everyone at the Guelph Black Heritage Society for the work they are doing to preserve heritage and remember and honour the slaves that escaped through the Underground Railroad to Canada and found a home in Guelph.”
