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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford’s overnight rule change an affront to the people of Toronto

July 27, 2018

TORONTO — Green Party of Ontario leader and Guelph MPP, Mike Schreiner, made the following statement on Premier Ford's decision to interfere in Municipal elections:

“Premier Ford was not elected to be a dictator. But he is acting like one.

Overhauling the structure of municipal government without any democratic consultation and in the middle of a municipal election campaign is a slap in the face of democracy and the people of Toronto and region.  

Premier Ford and the Progressive Conservatives did not campaign on this. A decision as consequential as this deserves to be put through extensive consultation so that the people can speak.

Earlier this week one business leader compared Ford’s move to cancel contracts the actions of a “of a leftist South American dictator.”

Premier Ford has taken this one step further by throwing local democracy into chaos.

The Premier’s actions reek of hypocrisy as he puts our children’s safety at risk by calling for more consultation on the sex-ed curriculum, while he abuses his power to overhaul local governance with no consultation.

If Premier Ford truly believes a smaller council is the way to go, he should start working the day after the municipal elections to make changes in time for the next election in 2022.

The Premier’s decision, without consultation and in haste, creates chaos and undermines democracy.”
