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Green Party on track for full slate of candidates

April 9, 2018

TORONTO — 63 candidates are in place across the province, including 31 women. In gender, age and ethnicity, the party will be more diverse than ever before in the 2018 election.

QUEEN’S PARK, ON — The Green Party of Ontario is moving closer to running full slate of candidates in the June election. To date, the party has 63 candidates in place across the province, including 31 women, and is on its way to being represented in every riding. Ontario Greens are striving for a gender balanced slate in 2018 and the party will be more diverse in age and ethnicity than ever before.

People of all backgrounds are stepping forward to bring Green values into Ontario politics, including community leaders, business owners, teachers, doctors, police officers, professors, graphic designers, scientists, and students.

“In every election since 2003 our party has had a candidate in every riding. Now, as I tour the province, I am amazed at the depth of talent and diversity within our Green team,” said party leader, Mike Schreiner.

Across the country, Green parties are shaking up the political landscape, with MLAs elected in PEI and New Brunswick, and Greens holding the balance of power following an historic election in British Columbia. Ontarians are hungry for a change from status-quo politics, and the Green Party of Ontario is poised for a breakthrough on June 7.

“This will be a close election. Greens can hold the balance of power in a minority government and bring honesty back into our political system by holding the mainstream parties accountable and putting people first,” added Schreiner.

To see all Green Party of Ontario candidates, visit: https://gpo.ca/find-candidate/
