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Cecilia Stuart

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Public transit would take a backseat under a Ford-led government

April 5, 2018

TORONTO — Doug Ford's words and actions suggest he cares more about moving votes than moving people

QUEEN’S PARK, ON — Recent comments from PC Leader Doug Ford on lifting funding restrictions for the Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) are another example of the problems with politics as usual.

“Mr. Ford apparently will say whatever he thinks will get him elected. In this case, he backtracked after previously expressing support for the LRT,” said Green Party of Ontario Leader, Mike Schreiner. “He seems to change his tune by the moment, rather than offering plans backed by evidence and logic.”

Bike lanes, streetcar projects and LRT expansion have attracted Mr. Ford’s ire in the past. Expanded affordable public transit is at risk from Ford, who has offered no solutions for tackling congestion.

“With Doug Ford at the helm, it’s questionable whether public transit would even be on the radar. His history suggests he cares more about moving votes than moving people,” said Schreiner.

Ontarians don’t need to choose between three parties recycling the same status-quo ideas. Ontario Greens have exciting ideas to equip our cities for 21st century challenges, while creating jobs and protecting the people and places we love.

The Green Party supports investing heavily in green infrastructure and the rapid electrification of all public transit systems. We would set a target date for phasing out internal combustion engines and accelerate the shift to electric vehicles. This is the future of transportation and this is where the Green Party would take us.

Find out more at www.gpo.ca/vision.
