
Liberals sadly use Speech from the Throne as thinly veiled campaign kick-off


March 19, 2018

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QUEEN’S PARK — The Liberals failed to push the reset button today. Instead, they used public funds to prorogue the Legislature and deliver a Speech to the Throne that is really a partisan campaign kick-off dressed up with pomp and ceremony.

“This government has had 14 years to get these things done. Using the word ‘care’ 50 times in one speech doesn’t prove anything,” said Green Party of Ontario Leader, Mike Schreiner. “Ontarians will be judging the Liberals based on their entire record, including a climate change strategy that gives a free ride to the largest polluters.”

Using a speech from the throne to launch a campaign is a poor start for the Liberals.

“There was a mention of climate change, but absolutely no commitment to strengthening the cap-and-trade system so that we can actually meet our Paris climate targets, which our Environment Commissioner has repeatedly said we are far from achieving,” said Tim Grant, GPO candidate for University-Rosedale.

“Ontarians won’t forget the millions wasted on infrastructure and transit decisions that served only to favour Liberal MPPs in their ridings, spending billions on outdated nuclear energy, or choosing infrastructure projects that lock us into further dependence on fossil fuels.” added Grant.

Greens have the vision that this province needs, including:

  1. Building the new green middle class by stimulating the jobs of today and tomorrow in areas like retrofitting, renewable energy, and cleantech.

  2. Supporting people by rolling out a plan to extend the Basic Income Guarantee Pilot.

  3. Addressing the housing crisis by mandating new developments to include one new affordable unit for every five new units built.

The Green Party is committed to delivering change that puts people first.