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Cecilia Stuart

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Real solutions needed to put people before politics

February 20, 2018

TORONTO — “We need people powered change to clean up the mess at Queen's Park,” says Schreiner. "The sad state of Ontario politics has real world consequences."

In the final sitting of the Legislature before Ontario goes to the polls, GPO leader Mike Schreiner is calling for all parties to put people first, ahead of political games and election posturing.

“We need people powered change to clean up the mess at Queen’s Park,” says Schreiner. “The sad state of Ontario politics has real world consequences.”

“Self-interested political games by the Big 3 at Queen’s Park are failing the people of Ontario. The Big 3 parties are not addressing the challenges facing the people of Ontario–unprecedented wait times for mental health services, unaffordable housing, and struggling downtown businesses. Greens are ready to lead; we are ready to work across party lines to offer real solutions that put people first.”

The Green Party is calling on the government to take action during the spring sitting to:

1. Provide immediate cash flow relief for local businesses and non-profits so they can better afford to pay a living wage.

2. Rethink the government’s cannabis monopoly.

3. Fight for the 12,000 children who are on a waiting list for mental health services right now in Ontario.

4. Create a dedicated revenue stream for municipal infrastructure that will help our communities be more livable and affordable while adapting to climate change.

5. Unlock housing affordability by mandating new developments include 1 new unit of affordable housing for every 5 new houses or condos.

The Green Party aims to change the status quo at Queen’s Park with a new way of doing politics. The party intends to reach a goal of gender parity in running a full slate of candidates across the province.

