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Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP for Guelph, is the first Green MPP elected to the Ontario Legislature in 2018.

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Statement by Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner on Environmental Commissioner’s Report

January 30, 2018

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner, GPO leader, made the following statement regarding today's report from the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario: “It is unacceptable that Ontario's Long-term Energy Plan is incompatible with the province's climate obligations."

Queen’s Park — Mike Schreiner, GPO leader, made the following statement regarding today’s report from the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario:

“It is unacceptable that Ontario’s Long-term Energy Plan is incompatible with the province’s climate obligations.

Instead of building more gas plants and wasting billions of dollars on enormously expensive and outdated nuclear facilities, Ontario should invest in people, in our homes and businesses. We can change the playing field by making our buildings more energy efficient, helping people save money on utility bills while reducing our carbon footprint.

The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s report confirms the Green Party’s concern that the Liberal’s carbon offset plans can be used to game the system.

It is clear from the ECO report that Ontario has more work to do in reducing pollution from transportation, the largest source of GHG emissions, which have more than doubled since 1990. Greens will continue to push for more investment in transit and a phase out of combustion engines.

Ontario is moving too slowly to reduce GHG pollution. We must be honest with people, the Liberals’ current plans will not meet our climate obligations. We demand better.”
