
Pride month: flag raising ceremony at Queen's Park


June 19, 2017

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GPO Deputy Leader Mark Daye made the following statement today:

“The annual flag raising ceremony at Queen’s Park today is a joyous occasion. I am reminded that Pride month’s festivities are a celebration of the diversity of our province as we continue to strive for equality for all Ontarians.

Pride offers us an opportunity to remember those who have come before us, and pay tribute to those who fought tirelessly for the rights and freedoms we enjoy today.

We should be proud of how far we have come on our path toward acceptance and inclusivity, but we are not there yet. While members of our community continue to feel oppression we must continue the march toward inclusivity so that all members of our society may feel safe and accepted.

We must ensure that all families are treated with respect and equality under the law. We must ensure that all parents have equal rights and all of our citizens have equal job opportunities under the law of the land.

It is especially important that our children grow up in a society that respects everyone equally. And this is just one of the many reasons why the GPO continues to speak out for human rights, for students, teachers and parents in our school system.

It remains an unacceptable truth in 2017 that some schools funded by Ontario taxpayers discriminate against the LGBTQ community through hiring practices.

We must continue to push for political change that promotes inclusivity and human rights for all Ontarians.

The Green Party hopes you will join with us as we celebrate Pride across Ontario, and Canada. I sincerely hope during the celebrations that we will all take a moment to reflect, give thanks, and stand up for our fellow people.”

March with us at the 2017 Toronto Pride Parade – RSVP here for details.