
​40 years later, cleanup of mercury near Grassy Narrows happening


February 14, 2017

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(Thunder Bay): “After denying that there was an ongoing contamination of a former mill site for many years, the Ontario government has finally done the right thing by agreeing to clean up the poison in Grassy Narrows,” says Mike Schreiner, leader of the Green Party of Ontario. 
“Like all Ontarians, the people of the Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong First Nations deserve to live in a clean environment and have access to healthy drinking water. They also should be compensated for the harm they have experienced,” adds Tim McKillop, GPO critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation.
The Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation have promised to fund and remediate the former mill site near Grassy Narrows. The mercury, dumped 40 years ago by a former pulp and paper company, apparently continues to poison people at Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong First Nations in the northwestern corner of our province.
Thanks to the thousands of citizens who supported the leadership of the Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong First Nations and spoke out to demand that the government take action. These voices along with scientists such as John Rudd and David Suzuki helped counter the Premier’s previous claim that any attempt to clean up the mercury could make the contamination worse.
The Green Party will continue to support the Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong First Nations to make sure the government fulfills it commitment.