
Take action to protect our local food systems


December 6, 2013

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Why should you care that a ketchup plant has closed in Leamington?

Because you care about local food, farms, and economies. 

I grew up on a farm. I know firsthand that farms are only part of a system that turns tomatoes into ketchup and potatoes into fries. 

Local sustainable food systems need local food processing facilities. 

You can support local food by signing our petition calling on Premier Wynne to help keep our Ontario food plants processing local food and creating local jobs.
Remind the Premier that local food processing businesses support local farms. Remind her that food processing is a sustainable job creator. Remind her that farmers can add value to their crops by processing what they grow. 
Remind her that if we want local food year-round, we have to pickle those cucumbers, freeze those strawberries, and can that corn. 
If the government can step in to help the auto industry, it can step up to support local food. 
Join me and send a message to Premier Wynne today. And could you pass the ketchup? 
Mike Schreiner
PS Want to read more? Check out my recent blog on Huffington Post.
Photo credit: Chiot’s Run