
Tinkering with the status quo will not solve Ontario’s job crisis


November 7, 2013

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Queen’s Park – Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner issued the following statement in response to the Liberal government’s Fall Economic Statement: 
“The Liberal government is out-of-touch with reality if they think tinkering with the status quo will give us the jobs we need or the communities we deserve in Ontario.  
Ontario needs a bold new vision that tackles the major crises we have today. Our economy is faltering, youth unemployment is on the rise, and we are increasingly feeling the effects of climate change. 
How does the Liberal government respond? By tossing a few goodies to key groups to secure votes and donations to the Liberal Party. 
What do the opposition parties recommend? The PCs want to slash and burn for the sake of slashing and burning. The NDP will whine about Liberal waste and scandals but continue to support the status quo if a few pet projects receive attention from the Premier. 
With vision and leadership, Ontario could seize economic and job opportunities in the booming global clean-tech sector. Germany alone has created over 382,000 jobs and generated $55 billion in clean-tech economic activity. Instead of offering bandaids that lost their stick a long time ago, Ontario could stimulate innovation and jobs with a clean-tech investment tax credit. 
Ontario could reduce poverty and pollution while balancing the budget. All the government needs is the courage to stop subsidizing electricity consumption for the wealthy at a cost of $1.1 billion per year.  
The Liberals could restore balance and protect our valuable natural assets instead of dismantling environmental protections.
The Liberals could make it clear that their government–our democracy–is not for sale by banning corporate and union donations to political parties.
Ontario could promote human rights and fair and fiscally responsible schools by merging the best of the Catholic and public school boards to save $1.6 billion per year.
A sluggish economy, youth unemployment, and environmental degradation are not what people want. We need bold vision and strong leadership, and we need it now.  
The people of Ontario should think big and expect better.”