
Same old parties, same old story.


September 28, 2011

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Same old parties, same old story. Green Party says debate misses the boat on key issues for Ontario.

Toronto, Ontario – Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner was joined by over 150 supporters at a rally last night in Toronto. While the old parties repeated the same tired rhetoric at the televised Leaders’ debate, Schreiner presented his Green vision for Ontario.

“In this year’s debate we saw nothing new from the old line parties,” said Schreiner. “Notably absent were the issues critical to Ontario communities, like stopping the Melanchton Mega-quarry, rebuilding our local economies and protecting clean air, water and farmland.”

Schreiner told the energetic crowd of supporters the Green Party would have made issues of community, farmland and clean air and water a priority at last night’s debate. Green MPPs will make the right decisions that look out for the health and well-being of communities first, instead of politically motivated decisions that only look out for the prosperity of the parties themselves.

“All of the old parties are borrowing money on our behalf, to subsidize the wasteful use of energy,” Schreiner told the crowd. “They are playing a dangerous shell game with our tax dollars, taking money from your right pocket to put it in your left. The Green Party will help you save money by saving energy.”

The Green Party is the only party talking about the following issues:

• Lowering payroll taxes, removing the market barriers and red tape from our small and medium sized businesses to create good local jobs.
• A plan to eliminate the deficit two years earlier than the other parties, avoiding $29.4 billion in debt, and saving $2,265 for every person in Ontario.
• A tax plan that provides incentives to create good jobs, balances the budget, and reduces waste, pollution and carbon emissions by reducing business and income taxes while pricing carbon.
• Ending corporate and union donations to political parties, to remove even the appearance of undue influence. Corporations and unions don’t vote, people do.
• Calling for a smart, fair, equitable school board system with a plan to engage citizens in determining the best way forward.
• Making family farming a top priority in this province, so we can all enjoy fresh, affordable food on our tables, today, and in the future.
• Sustaining our public health care system with a focus on preventing illness and providing better care in the community

“The campaign teams and spin doctors will be pleased that the leaders hit all their talking points but politics is about more than rhetoric. It’s about solutions, ” concluded Schreiner. “Queen’s Park has become one long campaign full of spin and partisan rhetoric. That is why we need Green MPPs at Queen’s Park, to ask the hard questions and deliver sensible, long term solutions for Ontario.”

For more on the Green Party plan for Ontario, please visit www.itstimeforgreen.ca

Media Contact –
Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(c) 905-999-5479
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca