
Greens announce $200 Million Active Transportation Infrastructure Fund for Municipalities


August 23, 2011

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London, Ontario – Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner announced his party’s plan to invest $200 Million in Ontario Municipalities for active transportation infrastructure over the next four years.

“Ontario municipalities deserve infrastructure support,” said Schreiner. “We are committed to providing them with the long term stable funding they need to create healthier active communities.”

Active Transportation refers to human-powered modes of transportation such as cycling, walking or wheeled mobility devices. Municipalities will have the ability to use the money as they see fit to improve road way safety of all users.

“The most critical benefit is the improved health and safety of our children and our seniors,” said Schreiner. “The health and social benefits of an active lifestyle will work to bring all members of our community together and relieve pressure on our health care system.”

Active transportation policies have been shown to help the local economy create more jobs. Increased foot traffic brings new customers to local businesses. Walking and cycling trails attract visitors and increases tourism.

In London, Ontario where Schreiner made his comments, at the Annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference, the jobless rate for July was an astonishing 9.1%, the highest of any large urban centre in Canada.

“Investing in community infrastructure is one of the best ways to increase local job growth,” added Schreiner. “For too long the province has downloaded responsibilities to municipalities without increasing investments. It’s time to stop the downloading and start investing in active communities.”

It’s time to invest in communities. It’s time focus on strong local economies. It’s time Ontarians can work, play, invest and live in the same community.

For more information on the Green Party of Ontario’s 5 Point Plan please visit: http://www.itstimeforgreen.ca


Media Contact:
Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca
(c) 905-999-5479