
Green Party supports removing barriers to success for local food processors


August 3, 2011

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Green Party supports removing barriers to success for local food processors

Creemore, Ontario – Given the opportunity, purchasing healthy local food is the first choice for Ontarians. Yet, one size fits all regulations in Ontario are hurting local businesses and preventing Ontario products from being widely available.

Today, Mike Schreiner reinforced the Green Party’s commitment to an Ontario Food and Farming Strategy that includes reducing the regulatory burden on local food processors. Schreiner supports smart regulations to create a level playing field for all food producers. By taking into account the size and scale of businesses, we can ensure food safety and allow the local businesses that power our communities to flourish.

“Local food processors are vital for farmers bringing their products to market,” said Schreiner. “Yet the old parties at the legislature have failed to prevent the closure of processing plants across the province.”

According to a recent survey conducted by Farmers Feed Cities, 99% of Ontarians overwhelmingly agree that farming is important to Ontario’s well-being. Over the last decade however, government regulations written for larger operations have hurt small and medium sized processing businesses. In 2008 the last of Ontario’s fruit canneries closed its doors. This closure not only affected employees but some 150 Ontario farms which no longer have a market for their produce.

As part of the Ontario Food and Farming Strategy, the Green Party will work with the food and agricultural sector, as well as other levels of government, to develop regulations, by-laws and zoning laws appropriate for family farms and farm-based businesses.

“Local food producers are getting buried in endless red tape that doesn’t necessarily result in safer food practices,” added Sandra Lackie, of the 100 Mile Store in Creemore, who deals exclusively with small to medium size food processors. “The smaller producers are an important source of jobs in our communities, and an essential part of building a sustainable, prosperous local economy.”

It’s time to invest in vibrant local communities. It’s time to remove barriers to success for family farms and local food processors.
For more information in the Green Party of Ontario’s plan to protect and promote Ontario’s food supply please visit: http://itstimeforgreen.ca/food


Media Contact:
Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(c) 905-999-5479
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca