
Greens to McGuinty: It is never too late to do the right thing


July 28, 2011

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Greens to McGuinty: It is never too late to do the right thing.

King Township, July 28th, 2011 – Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the decision by the McGuinty government to exempt the Holland Marsh natural gas-fired peaker plant from the Planning Act. In the last year residents, farmers and politicians alike have joined the call to halt the development that jeopardizes the health of local residents and the local environment.

“There are so many things wrong with the project it’s hard to pick just one,” said Meade Helman Green Party of Ontario Candidate for York-Simcoe, who credits the controversial development as one his motivations for running. “What has infuriated me the most is how the McGuinty Government has all but ignored the concerns of area residents.”

Last summer, Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner joined King Township concerned citizens and Holland Marsh farmers in launching legal action against the Ontario Government to force it to stop ignoring local democracy and concerns related to a gas generation plant being developed in King Township.

“The Liberal government’s actions in circumventing the law to railroad this plant through are unprecedented, are unfounded in law,” said Schreiner from King Township at the launch of the legal actions last year. “This could have a devastating impact on municipal and environmental processes for communities across Ontario. We are fighting for what’s right for all Ontarians.”

After the legal action was launched, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario conducted a thorough review. In his report, he commented that by exempting the project from the Planning Act, the government removed any planning control King Township would have had over the project.

The proposed plant is located on an active flood plain, in the Ansnorveldt wetlands, in legislatively-protected designated countryside of the Greenbelt. Residents are also concernd that the closest elementary school is less than 400 metres from the proposed gas plant.

“Premier McGuinty has stated in regards to other energy projects that it is never too late to do the right thing,” said Schreiner in a statement released Thursday. “ He’s right – we can continue to send the same message that it is not too late in this case either. It’s time to stop the King Township Peaker Plant.”

“It’s time for Green MPPs at Queen’s Park to be a strong voice for citizen participation, local decision making and government that works for people,” concluded Helman. “ It’s time to value our water, our farmland and our farmers.”

For the full statement by Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner please visit: http://www.gpo.ca/blog/2011-07-28/dark-day-ontario-when-community-voices…

For more information on the Green Party of Ontario’s plan for Ontarians please visit: http://www.itstimeforgreen.ca


Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(c) 905-999-5479
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca