
Green Party leads the way in delivering sensible, long-term solutions for waste diversion


July 20, 2011

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Toronto, Ontario – The Green Party of Ontario became the first party to publicly present their Waste Diversion strategy in response to The Association of Municipalities of Ontario. AMO posed a question to all provincial political parties last month regarding the growing burden placed on municipalities to handle waste, a burden inevitably passed on to tax payers. 

“Waste is an issue that is far too important for our economy, our communities, and our health to neglect,” said Schreiner. “The Green Party supports shifting the financial cost of waste from tax payers onto industry to create proper incentives to reduce waste and to ensure that our children avoid the financial burden of waste disposal in the future.”

The Green Party of Ontario presents a comprehensive Zero Waste strategy including waste diversion methods such as recycling, composting, as well as the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility that limits the waste produced in product and packaging design. 

“The implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility cannot be left to industry alone,” added Schreiner. “We believe that it is essential for the province to partner with municipalities, industry and other stakeholders to deliver on a government-lead Extended Producer Responsibility program that puts the public’s interest first.”

The response cites several problems with the current Waste Diversion Act including a flawed cost structure which makes landfill less expensive than recycling, programs that fail to cover all costs and a lack of financial incentives to reduce waste.

“Municipalities deserve to hear where all the parties stand on this important issue,” concluded Schreiner from the Party headquarters on Tuesday. “I challenge my counterparts in the other parties to present their plan to assist Ontario’s municipalities and tax payers to solve this growing problem.”

The Green Party believes it’s time for a new Waste Diversion Act that outlines a vision for moving to a zero waste future with sensible, long term solutions.

For the Green Party’s full response please visit: 

For our full platform please visit: 

For the original release from AMO please visit: 
Waste Diversion Needs Support from All Political Parties 



Rebecca Harrison 
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario 
(c) 905-999-5479
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca