
Clock's Ticking! It's Time for Government to Take Energy Conservation Seriously


June 14, 2011

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For Immediate Release
June 14, 2011

The clock is ticking – it’s time to tackle rising energy prices with sensible, long-term solutions. Investing in energy efficiency and conservation is the most financially responsible and cost effective way to combat rising energy prices.

Instead of reducing waste and focusing on energy efficiency, the Liberals and Conservatives want to throw more of our money at costly new nuclear.   It’s irresponsible to mortgage our children’s future.  

Today, in his 2010 Energy Conservation Report the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario confirmed that Ontario is lagging in conservation efforts.

The government dropped the ball on conservation by canceling the Home Energy Savings Program. Over 150,000 households used the program to reduce their energy bills and to save the province money on investments in new sources of generation.

The Green Party would implement a Green Building Program to help homeowners, tenants and businesses save money on their energy bills, while creating thousands of local jobs in the construction sector.  

The Green Party would use smart meters to save us money, by using them to create a market for conservation. Local entrepreneurs such as Lowfoot have already started businesses that pay people to conserve energy. Energy bureaucrats need to move out of the way to foster innovative ideas like this that reward people for efficiency and conservation.

It’s time for the professional politicians at Queen’s Park to understand that prioritizing conservation is a sensible, long-term solution that reduces waste, makes our businesses more competitive and improves our environment.

Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario

Jaymini Bhikha