
Will Ontario Follow Germany's Lead on Nuclear Power?


June 1, 2011

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Ontario is still paying the debt for cost overruns on nuclear plants built decades ago. We need to have an honest conversation about whether we can really afford to go down the nuclear road again. Is it responsible to invest in expensive, inflexible technology that has never come in on time or budget and offloads waste and insurance liabilities onto taxpayers?

On the international scene, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced this past weekend that Germany will close its seventeen nuclear reactors by 2022.  The German decision, coming a few days after Switzerland announced that it would phase out nuclear, has shocked the international community, and raised questions about the future of nuclear energy.

The unfortunate tragedy unfolding at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear facility is a stark reminder of the risks associated with nuclear power generation. It comes at a time when a number of jurisdictions, including Ontario, are making important investment decisions regarding the future of our energy supply.

Although no nuclear facility in Ontario has ever been built on time or on budget, both the Liberals and Conservatives are proposing billions of dollars in new nuclear that will further increase electricity prices. Additional safety measures in response to the Fukushima tragedy will further inflate the massive costs in building new nuclear.

The Green Party of Ontario believes it is financially irresponsible to build new nuclear facilities when safer, cleaner and cheaper alternatives are available. Ontario needs a long-term, sustainable energy plan that will provide affordable, clean energy with the flexibility to utilize technological  innovations.  

The Green Party’s plan is sensible and responsible. We will continue to use existing nuclear facilities for the remainder of their productive lives, but will not throw money away for new nuclear power. Our plan prioritizes affordable solutions starting with investments in energy efficiency, low cost hydro imports, full utilization of efficient combined heat and power plants and a diverse mix of renewable technologies deployed when demand requires it.

Germany proved that it is possible for an industrialized country to plan for the phase out of nuclear power. If they can do it, Ontario can too.  It’s time for Green MPPs at Queen’s Park to offer safe, affordable energy solutions that protect taxpayers from nuclear cost overruns.