
Greens Tax Reforms Stimulate Local Jobs, Reduce Carbon Emissions


May 31, 2011

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“The Green Party’s tax reform plan includes tax cuts for small businesses to stimulate local job creation, reduces income taxes and rewards efficiency, and places a price on carbon emissions to achieve carbon reductions. 

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Gord Miller’s Annual Greenhouse Gas Progress Report is a wakeup call that Ontario is failing to meet it greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. 
It’s time to use market incentives to fight GHG emissions in ways that make our businesses more competitive and provide households with a green tax cut. 
Reducing taxes on the things we want–jobs and income–and shifting them onto the things we don’t want–waste, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions–is a sensible, long-term solution that promotes a prosperous economy and a healthy environment.  A revenue neutral approach is a responsible way to foster job creation and tackle climate change at a time when government must also address the budget deficit.”
Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario