
Old Parties Present False Choices on Green Energy


May 11, 2011

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Tory Leader Tim Hudak’s pledge to scrap the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program is a slap in the face to businesses, individuals, First Nations and community groups investing in safe, renewable energy projects. His announcement irresponsibly damages Ontario’s ability to attract investors and new businesses.

Also flawed is Premier Dalton McGuinty’s approach to energy – backroom corporate deals and disrespect for the decision-making authority of municipalities, informed by local citizens. Sensible energy policy should benefit local communities first and ensure an investment climate that is fair, open and transparent.

The Green Party of Ontario puts people and communities first, offering a sensible choice for voters who support a safe, affordable energy future. McGuinty’s special deal for Samsung has meant that local businesses, individuals and community groups cannot access the grid, and Hudak’s short-sighted pledge risks a growing Ontario industry, turning back the clock on energy policy.  Businesses require stability in order to succeed, something the old parties at Queen’s Park seem intent on ignoring.

Greens will not irresponsibly cancel contracts without a clear understanding of the costs and the effects on business investment and jobs. Green MPPs elected on October 6th will stand up for a sensible energy plan that puts communities first by restoring local decision making, requiring local ownership and ensuring local benefits for energy projects.

A sensible energy plan invests in energy efficiency and conservation as the most cost effective way to provide Ontarians long-term relief from rising energy prices. Conservation programs not only save Ontarians money today, but tomorrow and ten years from now. It’s time to elect Green MPPs who will fight for simple, transparent and fair rules that put communities first.


“Tim Hudak’s pledge to kill green energy will hurt our economy.  It’s time for an energy plan that invests in Ontario communities first by prioritizing grid access for local power projects developed by farmers, First Nations, co-ops, individuals, municipalities and local businesses that create jobs in communities across the province. The Green Party is opposed to backroom deals and will fight for simple, transparent and fair rules that put our local businesses on a level playing field.”- Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario

“Tim Hudak’s pledge to kill green energy will set Ontario back a decade.  Unlike the old parties, the Green Party’s energy plan invests in Ontario communities first.  Rather than large green energy projects owned by foreign corporations and imposed on communities, we need the ownership and profits from renewable energy to be under local control.”  – Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario

“In this federal election the Green Party of Canada talked about the need for a smart economy. That means investing in the green industries and jobs that will be in demand in the future. The US, Europe and even China have made major investments in renewable energy. Ontario and Canada should be moving forward, not taking one big step back.” – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and Canada’s first Green MP


For More Information:
Jaymini Bhikha