
Congratulations to Volunteers Bettilyn Berglund, Rich Tyssen and Stephen Ahad


April 20, 2011

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The strength of Green Party of Ontario (GPO) rests in the energy and enthusiasm of dedicated volunteers across the province. Thank you to all GPO volunteers, for your continued support!

Each year, at our annual conference, the GPO recognizes a few volunteers who have made exceptional efforts to building the organization.

The 2011  Frank de Jong Legacy Award goes to Rich Tyssen from the riding of Northumberland-Quinte West.  The Frank de Jong Award recognizes volunteers who have demonstrated exceptional service and commitment building the Green Party of Ontario (GPO).

Rich has been a key volunteer for both the central party and his local riding association. Loaclly, he has served as campaign manager for several elections (federal and provincial) since 2007, and is the President of his Constituency Association. Centrally, he has served as the Eastern Representative on the Provincial Executive and is involved the GPO money team. 

He has also perfected a unique and extremely successful fundraising program, using Pledge Auctions to raise tens of thousands of dollars for the GPC, GPO and the local CA as well as training others in his methods to help them raise money for their local CAs. 

In addition to his work with the Green Party, he sets goals in his own life by aiming to reach net zero energy use in his house and with the support of his wife trying to eat locally from their own food supply.  In the community, he sits on many local boards and committees to further his involvement, support and influence.

The 2011 Rising Star Award goes to Stephen Ahad from the riding of Davenport. The Rising Star Award Stephen Ahadrecognizes a new comer (3 years or less) to the GPO who has shown enthusiasm and ability in volunteering for their Constituency Association (CA), a campus group, or the GPO office and have demonstrated a positive, motivating spirit.

Stephen first became involved in 2009 by-election in St. Paul’s, where he made hundreds of calls for GOTV in the campaign. He then became active in his local riding of Davenport federally where he served as CEO of the federal riding association both federally.

For the central party, Stephen played a key role in putting together the 2011 platform and served as policy co-ordinator to spearhead efforts getting ready for the 2011 Policy Conference.

Stephen is active in his community with local sports and lives a green lifestyle.  He was nominated for this award separately by two different people.

The 2011 Community Involvement Award goes to Bettilyn Berglund  from the riding of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound. The Community Involvement Award recognizes volunteers with a proven track record of engaging citizens in the promotion of Green values such as building strong communities, fostering local economies and promoting health & well-being in Ontario.

 Bettilyn is a strong member of the Owen Sound community. A few years ago at a Green Party meeting, she was inspired by one of the speakers and turned inspiration into action. She returned her local church and helped lead a project to installing solar panels on the roof of the church and as part of the MicroFIT program.

The committee had great fundraising results, and when the funds were a bit short, Bettilyn believed so strongly in the activity that she personally pledged to meet the shortfall. Others were so impressed by her efforts that the remainder was also raised.

On March 8, 2011, the solar panels on the roof at First United Church in Owen Sound were plugged in to the grid, and within 5 minutes, were producing power. In that short 5 minutes, they already produced 10 KW of clean, local energy.

Past recipients of the GPO volunteer awards are: Julie Barker for Frank de Jong Legacy Award. 2011 is the first year for the Rising Star Award.