
An open letter to Brad Duguid, Hon. Minister of Energy re energy efficiency programs


April 7, 2011

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An open letter to Brad Duguid, Hon. Minister of Energy
Ministry of Energy
4th Floor, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1

Dear Hon. Minister Duguid,

The recent decision by the Ontario Energy Board to cap funding for natural gas efficiency programs moves Ontario in the wrong direction, away from programs that invest in energy conservation and efficiency. These programs are not only good value for money, but provide long term savings for tenants, home owners and businesses.

It is clear that investing in energy efficiency and conservation is the most financially responsible and cost effective approach to addressing our energy needs.

Instead of prioritizing energy efficiency and conservation, Ontario’s energy bureaucracy continues to pursue an unbalanced approach that focuses spending on new generation and supply. This approach can only lead to saddling future generations with increased debt – both environmental and financial.

In the electricity sector, for example, as of December 31, 2010, the OPA has spent $931 million on energy conservation, while it has contracted for electricity supply with a total capital cost of approximately $35.9 billion. That is, for every dollar that it has spent on energy conservation, the OPA has contracted for $39 of electricity supply.

Reports issued by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario argue for the cost effectiveness of conservation efforts in the natural gas, electricity and home renovation sectors. Yet we continue to see policies that ignore these recommendations and continue to repeat the out-dated strategies of the past.

For example, we recently saw the end of the popular and successful Home Energy Savings Program, which has helped over 158,000 households save over 6.39 million GJ on their energy bills. Now, in the same week, we have the Ontario Energy Board’s ruling to cap natural gas efficiency programs.

Ontarians are struggling with rising energy costs. The only way to provide long term, sustainable savings is to reduce demand through energy efficiency and conservation programs. This approach will also help our businesses increase their energy productivity, operate more efficiently and be more competitive in the 21st century economy.

I strongly encourage your Ministry to give real relief to tenants, home owners and businesses by instructing the Ontario Energy Board to lift the cap on natural gas efficiency programs. I also encourage your Ministry to reinstate and expand the Home Energy Savings Program. With these investments, we not only reduce the need for costly new generation and supply, we can also lower our carbon footprint, improve our economic performance and create thousands of local jobs.

I appreciate your attention to this important issue.


Mike Schreiner

Mike Schreiner
Leader, Green Party of Ontario