
Green Party Offers Sensible Solutions for Ontario


February 22, 2011

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For Immediate Release


Green Party of Ontario (GPO) Leader Mike Schreiner opened the spring session of the Legislature with a call to all parties to offer sensible solutions to the challenges facing Ontarians.  The Green Party will focus on real solutions over partisanship.  Schreiner’s priorities include relief from rising energy bills by investing in conservation and energy efficiency, regulatory reform for local businesses, a focus on improving care for seniors and respect for communities.

Green Building Program and Energy Efficient Homes

Schreiner calls on the government to renew and expand the popular Home Energy Savings Program (HESP) set to expire at the end of March.  The Green Party will fight to protect individuals and businesses from rising energy prices by helping them use energy more efficiently, generating savings on monthly bills and reducing the amount of money the province will need to invest in new sources of generation.

Reduce Red Tape to Support Local Businesses

Schreiner challenges the government to take immediate action to address the closure of local food processing facilities across the province as part of a broader effort to support small and medium size businesses and local job creation.  The Green Party is advocating for an end to one-size-fits all regulations that hurt local businesses and contribute to the closing of local food processing facilities.

Improving care available to Ontario’s aging population

It’s essential for Ontario that the government focus on finding solutions for the growing crisis in caring for Ontario’s aging population.  The Green Party believes that honouring our seniors by ensuring they receive quality care in the most appropriate location should be a top priority.  Schreiner supports investing health care dollars in front line home care, transition care and long-term care instead of in administration and consulting.  This approach will improve care and relieve stress on hospitals.

Community Focused Energy Plan

Schreiner continues to criticize the government for its heavy-handed approach to communities in the development of energy projects.  He remains opposed to the government’s circumvention of planning and environmental legislation in imposing a gas plant on the citizens of King Township.  The Green Party believes that the transition to a distributed, democratized green energy future requires community engagement and a process for local decision making.


“As the election draws closer, it’s essential that this legislative session at Queen’s Park focus on getting it right for Ontario, and not descend into empty election rhetoric.  I commit to advocating for sensible solutions that will truly help Ontarians make a difference in our communities.  It’s time to reinstate the Home Energy Savings Program to combat rising energy prices, to support local businesses, to invest in our seniors, and to engage communities in determining our green energy future. 

– Mike Schreiner, Leader, GPO

“It’s time for Green MPPs at Queen’s Park to push for a government that will enable, engage and empower individuals, businesses and organizations to develop sensible, long-term solutions to the challenges facing our communities.”

– Mike Schreiner, Leader, GPO



Jaymini Bhikha
(416) 275-8573