
Sensible energy solutions: Save by reducing waste


February 16, 2011

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Green Party of Ontario Leader and Simcoe-Grey candidate Mike Schreiner is in the Collingwood area today meeting with local business owners to discuss how energy efficiency and conservation will provide sustainable long-term savings in the face of rising energy prices.

Schreiner is calling for a green building program that will help businesses and individuals save money today, tomorrow and into the future by reducing the wasteful use of energy.  Energy efficiency and conservation is the most financially responsible and cost effective approach to meeting future energy needs.

“Green building practices help us conserve energy and use it more efficiently,” says GPO leader Mike Schreiner. “We will support local businesses by reinstating the Home Energy Retrofit Program, as part of a wider Green Building Program to reduce energy use at source and create thousands of local jobs.”

All energy conservation measures, from planning to retrofitting, can be done locally, boosting the economy, benefitting local businesses and stimulating job creation.  

“The old parties are taking a wrong-headed approach to solving our energy future by not focusing on conservation and efficiency,” Schreiner continued. “Only the Greens are offering a sensible solution: it’s cheaper and cleaner to save electricity than it is to buy more of it. We all benefit when the province has to invest in less generating capacity.”

It’s time for financially responsible, environmentally sound solutions to Ontario’s energy issues that will benefit all Ontarians today and for generations to come.

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Jaymini Bhikha