
Access to good local food essential: Greens


September 28, 2010

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NORTHUMBERLAND — On the provincial political scene, Cobourg resident and deputy leader of the Green Party of Ontario, Judy Smith Torrie, is supporting her party leader’s focus on the green economy and local food production.

Green Party leader Mike Schreiner “is calling on the government to make energy efficiency a priority to foster local job creation and help Ontarians offset rising energy bills with a Green Building Program to retrofit our homes, businesses and public facilities,” stated a media release.
It also stated that Schreiner continues to criticize the “Liberal’s heavy-handed dealings with municipalities on energy projects.”

In addition, the Green Party leader wants more investment in health care and focuses on an Ontario food strategy, which fellow party member, Smith Torrie, endorses.

“The Green Party would bring in a team approach to healthcare and fund the services that keep people active and healthy,” she stated in the same media release.

“Access to good food is essential. Northumberland farmers should play a greater role in providing local food on our plate and to school breakfast and lunch programs”.

Read the original article at Northumberland Today