
Great Lakes getting dirtier, watchdog warns


September 24, 2010

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Rob Ferguson and Tanya Talaga
Queen’s Park Bureau

Great Lakes pollution is getting worse because sewage systems are outdated and Ontario’s north is turning into a Wild West for miners and forestry companies, warns Environmental Commissioner Gord Miller.

His annual report slams Premier Dalton McGuinty’s government for talking a good game on the environment but not following through, putting at risk everything from drinking water to air quality and wildlife.

The 228-page volume released by the province’s independent environmental watchdog sounds a number of alarm bells, including the bypassing of a full environmental assessment for a new gas-fired power plant beside the Holland Marsh in York Region, lax air quality standards and dangers from landfills closed years ago.

“This government rightly prides itself on the progress it has made in passing legislation to protect the environment, but actions on the ground often undermine it,” Miller said Wednesday.

Read the whole article at thestar.com