
Green Party Offers Fresh Ideas for Fall Session


September 13, 2010

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Green Party of Ontario (GPO) Leader Mike Schreiner remains focused on three priorities for the coming fall session: building a prosperous green economy, promoting the health and well being of all Ontarians, and empowering our local communities to make decisions that are in the best interest of their citizens.

Building a Prosperous Green Economy:
Schreiner is calling on the government to make energy efficiency a priority to foster local job creation and help Ontarians offset rising energy bills with a Green Building Program to retrofit our homes, businesses and public facilities.

Schreiner will push the government to help local businesses create jobs by promoting smart regulations – regulations that make sense based on the size and scale of business operations, not a one-size-fits-all approach that hurts independent businesses and family farms.

Promoting the Health and Well being of all Ontarians:
Schreiner is pledging to push for more investment in preventative frontline care, instead of expensive health consultants, with a focus on home care and community health programs.

He is renewing the Green Party’s commitment to an Ontario Food Strategy that provides access to healthy food for Ontario’s most vulnerable citizens while supporting local farmers. Schreiner continues to criticize the Liberals elimination of the special diet allowance and is calling for the program to be reinstated. He is also pushing for the government to mandate the purchase of local food in provincial facilities, with a focus on school food programs, along with tax reforms to support local farmers and processors.

Empowering our Local Communities:
Schreiner continues to criticize the Liberal’s heavy handed dealings with municipalities on energy projects, especially proposed gas plants in King and Oakville. He remains committed to standing with King residents in their legal action against the government’s abuse of process and circumvention of legislation in ramming through a gas plant in the Holland Marsh. He is calling on the government to pass legislation to place buffer zones around gas plants to protect schools and residential communities.

“Most Ontarians work hard to live green and I remain focused on policies that are important to them. Together we will work towards building a prosperous green economy that nourishes our communities and promotes the health and well being of all Ontarians.”
– Mike Schreiner, Leader, GPO

“The Green Party will continue to present a fresh vision and sensible solutions for a prosperous economy that strengthens our communities and promotes health and well being.”
– Mike Schreiner, Leader, GPO


Jaymini Bhikha
(416) 275-8573