
Mike Schreiner Calls for Ambitious Plan to Promote Energy Efficiency and Conservation


May 3, 2010

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Green Party of Ontario (GPO) Leader Mike Schreiner today called for the province to develop a comprehensive energy efficiency and conservation plan following the release of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report – an analysis of progress on energy conservation activities in the province.

With the price of energy on the rise, the Green Party believes that prioritizing energy efficiency and conservation is the most financially responsible approach to planning for Ontario’s energy future. The Liberal government’s lack of attention to efficiency and conservation will make Ontario less competitive, hurting the province’s economy and environment.

The Green Party supports a Green Building Program to retrofit homes, businesses and government buildings; stricter energy efficiency standards in the building code; and smarter community and transportation planning to reduce Ontario’s dependence on expensive fossil fuels.

“The Green Party supports a Green Building Program that will create thousands of jobs, save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by making our buildings more energy efficient.”
– Mike Schreiner, Leader, GPO

“Ontario can improve economic efficiency, promote cleaner air and healthy communities with smart planning and investments in transit that will save money by reducing our dependence on expensive fossil fuels.”
– Mike Schreiner, Leader, GPO

• Electricity consumption per person in Ontario is 50% greater than in neighbouring New York State.
• The ECO reported in December that Ontario’s transportation sector will not find significant greenhouse gas reductions because of a lack of government planning.
• Transportation is the highest sector contributor of greenhouse gases in the province.
• According to the Ontario Power Authority, the cost of reducing electrical demand by investing in energy efficiency is approximately 2.7 cents per kWh.


Jaymini Bhikha
(416) 275-8573