
NEWS RELEASE - Mike Schreiner Nominated in Simcoe-Grey


April 24, 2010

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For Immediate Release
April 23, 2010

Mike Schreiner Nominated in Simcoe-Grey
Green Party of Ontario Leader Vows Fresh Perspective for Voters

Before a crowd of enthusiastic supporters, Green Party of Ontario (GPO) Leader Mike Schreiner was officially nominated as the party’s candidate for Simcoe-Grey. In a speech following the release of the vote results this evening, Schreiner vowed to offer voters in the riding fresh thinking and a break from the politics of the past.

Schreiner spoke of his desire to build a prosperous green economy that fosters vibrant local communities and promotes a healthier Ontario – starting in Simcoe-Grey. Citing the strong local organization and rapidly growing support for the Green message in the riding, Schreiner called the decision to run in Simcoe-Grey a ‘no-brainer.’ He and his family have longstanding ties to the riding and are currently looking to purchase a small farm in Simcoe-Grey.

“Speaking with voters in Simcoe-Grey over the last several months, I’ve been encouraged by the hugely positive response. Voters here believe, as I do, that government has a role to play in fostering prosperous local economies and healthy communities and are interested in the ideas that will shape our future. I will work tirelessly to earn their support.”
– Mike Schreiner, Nominated Candidate, Simcoe-Grey and GPO Leader

“Mike is a pragmatic person who will appeal to voters from all walks of life and from all parties. I’m proud to support him for MPP.”
– Steven Fishman, 2007 Liberal candidate

“On behalf of all Simcoe-Grey Greens, I’m thrilled to have Mike Schreiner as our local candidate. He’ll build on the momentum and the solid foundation Greens have established here and make our voice heard province-wide. Mike will be a strong voice for local jobs and healthy communities.”
– Peter Ellis, 2007 Green Party candidate

“Mike’s tireless advocacy for small businesses and local food is the kind of fresh approach we need at Queen’s Park.”
– Sandra Lackie, Creemore 100 Mile Store

“Mike understands the importance of culture in supporting strong communities and will champion community arts, culture and tourism.”
– Kevin MacLean, Collingwood artist

“Mike’s knowledge of the issues and tireless support for farmers will benefit our economy and community.”
– Brent Preston, The New Farm

• In 2003, the GPO received 1.7% and 11.4% in 2007.

Bill Hewitt
(705) 441-3599